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How to Not Snack While Traveling + 4 More Tips to Stay Healthy While Traveling

eating while travelling healthy holidays holiday travel insulin resistance intermittent fasting low carb diet nutrition tips snacking while travelling Dec 21, 2022

Snacking on crackers, cookies, and sugary drinks is a sure-fire way to raise insulin and gain weight. 

If you struggle with the “all-or-nothing” mindset, once you start on the carbs, you may be tempted to throw in the towel until you’re done traveling. 

You may vow to “get back on track” after the holidays, or “start again on Monday.”

There is nothing magical about Monday, or January, or “after the holidays.”

Delaying your efforts to start developing more self-discipline around carbs is only making things harder for you a few weeks from now. 

Learning to say no to snacks and sweets (at least more often than not) is an essential skill to lose weight and get healthy. You can practice this skill, even over the holidays. In fact, now is a great time to practice because you’re likely getting out of your normal routine and environment. 

Not snacking while traveling doesn’t have to be hard. This episode explains how to not snack while traveling, plus gives 4 more of my favorite healthy holiday travel tips. 


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Highlights From This Episode

[0:00] Join us for a new, FREE, live training, called How to Lower Insulin Resistance.

[3:26] Tip 1: Move your body everyday.

[5:34] Tip 2: Plan your travel food ahead of time.

[6:47] Healthy foods you can pack while traveling.

[7:10] Tip 3: Skip the snacks to keep insulin lower.

[8:48] Tip 4: Prioritize sleep to reduce hunger and carb cravings.

[8:55] Tips to improve your sleep while traveling.

[10:31] Why making your daily mindset work a priority is essential while traveling.


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Resources From This Episode

>> Join Zivli

>> Freebie: Weight Loss Mindset Audio Training

>> Freebie: The Ultimate Food Guide

>> Click here to register for our FREE Training: How to Lower Insulin Resistance Naturally

>> 10 Ways to Keep Insulin Low over Thanksgiving