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Proper Strength Training for "Older Adults" With Robert Linkul, CPT

muscle strength muscle training strength training strengthening Jun 22, 2022

Robert Linkul, CPT is an NSCA Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT *D) and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS *D) with distinction. He is the head personal trainer and the owner of Be STRONGER Fitness. Linkul is the Southwest Regional Coordinator with the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and was named the NSCA's 2012 Personal Trainer of the year. 

In this episode, Robert speaks about his past injuries and how they inspired him to start training older adults. Robert dives into the basics of weight training and exercise when it comes to adults over the age of 55.

If you have physical limitations, Robert explains why it’s critical to be proactive about those now. Robert discusses hormonal health and how your food and sleep are making a massive impact. Listen as we talk about giving your muscles plenty of rest and why weight training won’t make women bulky. 


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Highlights From This Episode

[0:00] Topic Intro

[01:30] About Robert Linkul and the Inspiration Behind His Business: Training the Older Adult (TOA)

[07:30] What you need to think about when training older adults.

[12:10] Be proactive when it comes to your limitations. 

[18:40] Why rest is important for your muscles to build strength. 

[27:00] Does lifting weights make women get bulky?

[47:35] Eat unprocessed food and sleep well to regulate your hormones.  


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Resources From This Episode

>> Join Zivli

>> Freebie: Weight Loss Mindset Audio Training

>> Freebie: The Ultimate Food Guide

>> Track Your Macros Free Video Series

>> Be Stronger Fitness

>> Training The Older Adult