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How Antidepressant Withdrawal Sparked Chronic Illness With Ashlee Symcox, RN, FNTP

antidepressant anxiety chronic illness depression fatigue withdrawal Sep 14, 2022

In this week’s episode of the Reshape Your Health podcast, we are joined by Ashlee Symcox, RN, FNTP to learn how antidepressant withdrawal wrecked her health and led to chronic fatigue and illness. Antidepressant withdrawal does not happen to everyone who stops an antidepressant, but for Ashlee, her symptoms were obvious and severe.

This is an important conversation for anyone who is considering stopping an antidepressant. We also talk about why getting to the root cause of your depression is critical for healing, and share non-pharmacological ways to help with depression or depressive feelings.


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Highlights From This Episode

[0:00] Topic introduction.

[6:00] How coming off of an antidepressant affects your brain.

[12:40] Is serotonin that involved in depression?

[18:15] Ashlee’s personal experience with depression and her long-term permanent solution.

[24:00] How the dynamic neural retraining system helped Ashlee heal from trauma.

[35:30] How would someone know they are going through antidepressant withdrawal?

[38:00] How did this struggle with antidepressant withdrawal ignite a journey toward better health?

[42:00] Ways to activate the parasympathetic nervous system for lower stress.


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Resources From This Episode

>> Join Zivli

>> Freebie: Weight Loss Mindset Audio Training

>> Freebie: The Ultimate Food Guide

>> Ashley Symcox's Website

>> Surviving Antidepressant Safe Tapering Forum

>> The Inner Compass Initiative

>> GeneSight Testing

>> Self-Directed Neuroplasticity Exercises (DNRS)