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Do These 3 Things Everyday to Lower Blood Sugar After Eating in Minutes

best foods for insulin resistance lower blood sugar Jun 25, 2023

Anyone who’s worn a continuous glucose monitor will tell you that eating starches and sugars will cause a blood sugar spike after a meal. 

It looks like a steep climb on a rollercoaster. That’s why you may feel so tired and sluggish following a high carb meal. 

But there are a few tricks you can use to minimize that response, and shorten its duration. 

In this short video, we share our three favorite ways you can reduce blood sugar spikes after a meal, often within minutes!

These low-cost (often free) tips will help you lower blood glucose and insulin, making weight loss easier.


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Resources From This Episode

>> Join Zivli

>> Freebie: Weight Loss Mindset Audio Training

>> Source: Food Order

>> Source: Apple Cider Vinegar

>> Source: Walk After Eating

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